If you start a relationship with Judy, her apartment will be accessible to you! ii. Accept the invitation to spend the night at her place and kiss her when in the bathroom.Īfter sleeping with her, it totally is up to you whether you want to be serious with Judy or end things. Pisces: Do not accept Maiko’s plan or the payment from Judy.Talkin’ ‘Bout A Revolution: Tell Judy that she can count on you, do not accept the money she’s offering for your services.Your choices here will have no impact on the romance. Ex-Factor: Reply to Judy’s message and agree to help her on the phone.
It will take place after the “Double Line” mission from the campaign mode.
Both Sides, Now: This is the first side quest. Here is a summary of options to choose from to be in a relationship with Judy: Don’t miss out on an opportunity to “touch” her whenever you can. Open up the game, load the save, start the romance with Panam, do a manual save after. Whenever there’s a conversation choice involving her, you should side with her, or defend her actions. Once you’ve completed the last main quest in which she appears, she’ll start offering you side jobs. Open up the save you just made in the editor, appearance tab, change your gender to Male, save the changes into your save file. Cyberpunk 2077 Panam romance guide First of all, you have to be male. To romance Judy, whenever a flirty option is present choose it, xD. Do the Panam quest until the Basilisk, save before getting in the panzer. And the next thing you know, you’ll be in a relationship with Judy Alvarez.
You need to complete Judy’s side quests and play your cards right when it comes to dialogue options. Players will come across Judy during the Heist main story quest in Act 1 at Afterlife club in Watson.